Wealthy Affiliate is often regarded as a good place for beginners, so why would it be something that I should look at – being that I’ve got over 8 years worth of experience as an affiliate marketer..?
The answer is really quite simple.
I’ve grown tired of working hard and not seeing a proportionate reward for my efforts.
I am very good at much of what I do…
- I can build attractive, well optimized, user-freindly websites that visitors enjoy.
- I can get them to rank.
- I know how to get a ton of traffic.
But I also suck at a few things…
- Choosing to build around highly profitable niches.
- Spending my time on creating content that will get maximum results.
- Having a monetization strategy.
To this day, I still spend hours and hours researching ways to increase traffic and conversions, but I feel my education has been lacking in certain key areas.
Going Back to Basics
I’ve finally grown tired of the insanity that has been me continually thinking I’ll eventually find a way to properly monetize my existing niche sites. It’s time that I go back to basics and re-learn the fundamentals of effective, efficient and profitable affiliate marketing. Although I have worked very, very hard over the years, I know that I have been throwing far too much effort at projects that are just not sustainable. I keep hoping that will change, and I will find the one trick that will open the door to profits, but I haven’t been able to yet.
This past year I thought long and hard about creating my own product in an effort to finally reap the reward of my years and years of hard work, but after some careful research, I was unable to validate the idea. This left me treading water once again – wondering what my next step was going to be. I’d kept throwing time and resources at my various projects, without much regard for what I will be getting in return.
That had to stop.
Time to get Serious About Internet Marketing
I’m aware there are folks who have used Wealthy Affiliate with great success, and in turn, have become very Wealthy Affiliates themselves. I have seen enough to know that this program can work if you do the work. I also know that if you have to pay monthly for something, you’re a lot more likely to use it, which is another reason I upgraded my membership. The additional features and access are well worth the extra money, plus I know that when I’m paying a premium for something I am a lot more apt to take full advantage of it.
I made a deal with myself that if I was to upgrade to the premium membership, I’d damn well better put my back into it. Although I’m usually pretty good about using services that I subscribe to, they still only provide you with as much benefit as you put into them. For example, you can get a health club membership for $50 per month – allowing you access to all sorts of premium fitness equipment – but you’re only going to get fit if you do the work.
I am challenging myself to use this program for a minimum period of one year, with the expectation that it will deliver great results for me. In the process, I hope to provide an honest account of what a Wealthy Affiliate membership has done for me, and what it can do for you.
In a sense, I am challenging myself and Wealthy Affiliate both. I am going to supply the hard work, dedication and discipline – and Wealthy Affiliate is going to provide me with the necessary tools to succeed. 🙂
Regardless of the outcome, I see this project as a win-win. I highly doubt that I will not attain my goals, but if for some reason this one year challenge results in lackluster results, the reasons why will be apparent and those of you here will know why. Failure is not an acceptable outcome for me, but if I fall short then it’ll either be due to my lack of follow-through, or perhaps Wealthy Affiliate is not as effective as it claims to be.
But neither of those scenarios are going to play out. I am going to kick ass with program and you will be witness to it! 😀